Home for the Holidays

Holly Wilson, aptly named for her December 16th birthday, loves the Christmas season. She especially enjoys being home with her family for the holidays. When David was formulating ideas for what to get her for her birthday this year, that thought: “home for the holidays” kept popping into his mind. Tor the past several years Holly’s birthday presents have been receipts: receipts from local discount stores where David enjoyed playing “Secret Santa” and paying off family’s Christmas layaways. Nearly 1,000 people have received a Christmas miracle from this “layaway angel.” But this year he really wanted to do something different.

The idea came to him as he was watching a special report on the homeless situation in Orange County. “Home for the holidays!” These families have no homes to celebrate this amazing time of year with their loved ones. What if Holly and I could give them that? After numerous phone calls and much research, David found Mercy House. With several shelters and facilities in Orange (Wilson Automotive headquarters), Mercy House provides housing and comprehensive supportive services for the homeless. This month they had 18 families they were trying to help and house. A 30-day stay at a local hotel is approximately $3,000. For 18 families that would be a total of $54,000. Holly Wilson turns 53 this month. Voila! A check for $53,000 to Mercy House will provide these families “a home for the holidays.”

Wilson Automotive chipped in the additional. $1,000 and is now working with Mercy House to get each of these families “adopted” for Christmas – so there will be gifts under the tree. As Holly Wilson enjoys her favorite time of year with her family, she says her holiday will be much brighter knowing that at least 18 other families are “home for the holidays.”
